Wow...hello world-Three French Hens is open for business........and blogging !
It is hard to believe I have gone from engulfing myself around beautiful blogs for a long time to now having our own. Follow your dreams and leave those fears behind-a moto I am trying to live by more and more each day and is today ever proof of that. I am not the most computer literate passenger on this boat of life so this if a bit un-nerving . I suppose you could say I have just jumped in without the life jacket-up the creek without the paddle but am happy to leave the fear on the bank to see where this current takes me.
Now let me tell you of my newest dream come true-the opening of a wonderful antiques-decorating and gifts store in quaint historic Nolensville Tennessee called THREE FRENCH HENS.
My business partner and myself set out on this dream on April 1 and on June 6th our Grand Opening came to fruition and what a huge success it was. Many thanks to our regular customers and new found friends that discovered our charming home away from home-it was a very blessed day.
A little history on our wonderful setting-the building was constructed in1921 by the Williams family and was a Chevy dealership. The building is two stories tall however the unique twist to the story is that the lower level was the mechanics area and the car showroom was on the second story. There remains a door on the back side of the building that is on a pulley system that would open and then a ramp was put up to drive a car upstairs. An amazing thought that I ponder each and every time I am in the great old building.
I look forward to sharing our journey at Three French Hens. If your ever in the area stop on by and give us a visit. Have a wonderful day-leave your fears behind-but if you see me floating wildly downstream could you throw me a rope???????