Sometimes we have huge success junkin and others we just have to settle on smaller but still oh so cute discoveries. That is what I would call todays haul. For Debbie and I to go out "shopping" and return with only one truck full lets just say that is a light shopping day for us. BUT--we still had a blast as we always do-lusting over rusty stuff that we have to ask "what is it" and visiting with good friends that also have the same disease that we do. :>)
Here is a little peak at our day.........
Ok--so please overlook my fashion fo-pa...
that is me (Stacey) on the left cold and wet ! A white short jacket was all that I had in the truck and you know a girl has to do what a girl has to do. In the middle is one of our dear friends, Tawnya Norton. Tawnya has a booth in Three French Hens and also has an adorable little shop in Brentwood Tennessee called Cest Moi'. Go and visit her blog at She has a wonderful eye at buying new gift and blending it splendidly with vintage treasures. That is my fabulous partner Debbie on the far right. I guess it could be a full blown blizzard or hurricane and we would all still be out there weathering the elements if we thought there was a cute treasure/ piece of junk to be bought ! We always have a great time together and today was no different !
I know -I know-you are probably thinking...get to the finds!
Here comes one of our favorite dealers-now wouldn't you just go nuts if you saw a truck loaded like that coming your way-oh my goodness I am getting excited all over again just looking at the pictures !
What a great set of lockers....tell Debbie to let me know WHY DIDN"T WE BUY THESE?!?!
Had to have this sweet little table-great size !
Shabby windows, legs and metal carts are always a must-they fly out of the stores.
Now will I explain you having --well I think I will refrain from saying that-she's a funny girl !
What has she spotted now? Better not be anymore....well you know !
You choose your adjective-I adore this old bread metal stand. This will be fabulous holding linens in the store but a person could use this piece for so many different things, a laundry room, studio holding ones supplies, a childs room for toys etc etc- Oh am I a happy girl !!!
That is just a sneak peak-saved several of the best that are now in the stores. You will just have to come and see for yourself.
Speaking of coming out -I suggest FRIDAY -NOVEMBER 26th.
That begins CHRISTMAS in the VILLAGE in the historic district of Nolensville Tennessee. All of the merchants will be serving refreshments-having store specials and you will most likely spot Ole Saint Nick visiting around the village. Bring the family-bring your camera-bring an appetite and cash /card would be handy too as there will be treasures you will not be able to live without.
At Three French Hens and The Roost we will have a free gift to give to the first 20 customers in each store on Friday. You will also find additional sales on both Friday and Saturday. Mention you read this blog and receive and additional 10% off any one item. Santa Claus and his handy helper The Elf will be visiting The Roost On Friday from 11-4. Bring your own camera and avoid those long mall lines-having your precious children visit Santa. We will have a sweet back drop set up for pictures. Our customers LOVED it last year. It is a wonderful season in our quaint little town-may we invite you and your family and friends to come and enjoy CHRISTMAS in the VILLAGE